
Book your

Axis Hunt

Axis deer certainly are one of our favorite species to hunt at CB Outfitters. We take pride in making sure our customers do not leave empty handed, and our expertise backs this ethic. The majority of our axis hunts take place in the spring and summer and we generally hunt safari style/spot and stalk. However, we can also hunt out of blinds depending on the customers needs and capabilities. We have a 99% success rate on our hunts. In the 1% chance a hunt is unsuccessful (no animal is harvested or wounded), the only fee required to be paid is a hunt fee in the amount of $2,500. Axis bucks that have beams shorter than 30” but are 135” plus in gross score (Gold Medal) will be considered a trophy" as shown on attached price list.

CB Outfitters provides the perfect opportunity to hunt quality axis on multiple ranches. Our ranches are known for producing high quality axis. Whether you're pursuing a unique trophy or simply looking to broaden your hunting horizons, our axis hunts are sure to satisfy your sense of adventure. 

View Axis Gallery

Hunt Pricing:

**Prices may vary depending on the ranch**

Trophy Axis Buck
(30” – 34 7/8”)


**Axis bucks that have beams shorter than 30” but are 135” plus in  gross score (Gold Medal) will be considered a trophy**

Trophy Axis Buck
(35” plus)


**Axis bucks that have beams shorter than 30” but are 135” plus in  gross score (Gold Medal) will be considered a trophy**

Trophy Non-Typical Axis Buck


Management Axis Buck


What’s Included In All Hunts:

We provide a fully guided all-inclusive 2 day/2 night hunt encompassed into 3 days (2 morning hunts and 2 evening hunts). Archery clients are typically given a 3 day/3 night hunt encompassed in 4 days. Included in our all-inclusive rates is lodging and meals, a professional guide, proper care of your harvest (cape and quarter), and hunting transportation. License fees, transportation to/from airports, taxidermy and meat processing are NOT included. However, if you need a taxidermist and/or meat processor, CB Outfitters works closely with a local taxidermist and meat processor.

What To Expect On Your Hunt:

When customers arrive for their hunt, they will be greeted at their lodging site with top tier service including appetizers and details on what their hunt will consist of. They will then verify their weapon of choice at the range and begin hunting. A quality supper will be provided before or after evening hunts depending on the time change. A quality brunch or lunch will be provided after morning hunts. Hunting at night with a red spot light is sometimes done, as it can be very effective. It is legal to hunt any exotic at night in Texas. For each specific hunt, Clay outlines a thorough plan and does all the legwork to ensure the customer has the best possible experience. 

What To Bring On Your Hunt:

We like to call this hunt a gentleman’s hunt, so the list of things to bring is not very long. We provide just about everything needed to ensure a successful hunt for our clients. You just have to show up, hunt, and have a good time!

  • Weapon and ammunition
    • 243 cal. or larger preferred (if wanting to hunt with a smaller caliber or archery equipment, please consult with us first)
    • Quality hunting ammunition of your choice
  • Binoculars
    • We suggest bringing 8x42 binoculars or larger.
    • We suggest Leica binoculars.
  • Valid Texas hunting license
    • Item 101 or the “Super Combo” for residents
    • For non-residents item 157- Non-resident 5-Day Special Hunting License ($48)
    • It is the hunter’s responsibility to make sure you have all the correct license requirements prior to arriving for your hunt. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or refer to the Texas Parks and Wildlife website to clarify what license requirements you need.
  • Clothing
    • Bring whatever clothing you prefer to hunt in. We generally hunt safari style/spot and stalk and sometimes out of blinds. Axis are very weary so camo clothing is a must. Solid tan, green or brown clothing will also do. If you’re looking for a quality brand of hunting clothing, we suggest Kuiu. Prior to your hunt, please check the weather forecast as South Texas weather can be unpredictable.
  • Footwear
    • Bring whatever hunting boot/shoe that you prefer. Although we do suggest bringing a pair of comfortable snake boots or snake guards as well.
  • Ice chests
    • Bring 2 medium-large ice chests for meat and cape transportation.
    For availability and booking, please contact us.